I can't pay my bills. Is there a way out?

How can we help?
If you're struggling with unaffordable debt and you do not have sufficient income or assets for us to propose a repayment plan to your creditors, Bankruptcy can bring closure and remove the burden of debt. There are consequences which you will need to be aware of, so during an initial consultation we go through your debt, assets (if any), income and expenditure. We will explain the pros and cons of taking any action and put forward your options. You will then be able to make an informed decision, but ultimately, the final choice is yours.
Our initial consultation is FREE, and you do not have any obligation to act, however the burden of debt can be heavy and can have consequences for your health and wellbeing so you will find the feeling of relieve once you have chosen to act, can be immense. If you choose to file for Bankruptcy we can fully explain the process, assist you to file your bankruptcy application and prepare you for your interview by the Official Receiver.
- We can offer a FREE confidential consultation to discuss your options
Common questions about Bankruptcy:
Frequently Asked Questions
A lot of people worry unnecessarily that their job could be at risk through bankruptcy. Unless you work in one of the areas mentioned above it is extremely unlikely that you will have any employment problems.
This can now only be done online at the portal. It costs £680 and you'll need to provide information about your income, outgoings and debts.
If you're in England or Wales apply here:
The process is different if you're in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland: